What Is a Tech Audit?

28/06/2024  |   Sin categoría  

Technical audits are an evaluation of the technology infrastructure of an organization. The goal is to identify strengths and weaknesses within the tech stack and ensure that it’s aligned with business goals. It’s a critical step to be taken prior to launching a new project and provides an important insight into how the technology will perform.

Tech audits differ from IT reviews and security assessment which focus more on evaluating systems in terms of compliance and security. Tech audits evaluate the tools your company employs to do work and evaluate their effectiveness, cost, as well as integrations with other technologies.

The specifics of a tech audit are determined by the person conducting the review. It can be requested by a CFO who is looking to cut the cost of software, or it may be motivated by a leadership team looking to become more efficient and agile.

One of the most common findings from a tech stack audit is that several tools are used to perform similar tasks. For instance marketing teams might make use of Asana and Wrike and engineering might utilize Jira. Data doesn’t flow smoothly between departments, and there’s no one source of truth.

These applications are often used by specific departments or teams. While some of these might be helpful and add value, they can be a threat when they’re not vetted for security and integrations with other technology. A tech audit can provide the leadership a better understanding of what these tools are and how they’re being employed, allowing them to decide whether they should be integrated into the broader technology stack.
